Welcome to wool art: T head felted creations!
Whether you're looking for something cute, funny, or fuzzy you've come to the right place!
My items are handmade with lots of love. They make fantastic and unique gifts for any occasion.
It is my sincere hope that everyone who buys one of my craft items will be delighted when they receive their purchase. I make every effort produce a quality product and to take good pictures that clearly represent it.
Here you'll find art made of wool, created by needle and wet felting technique, such as masks, puppets, mobiles, animal figurines, 3D paintings and many more.. Explore & Enjoy
Mnogi ljudi vjeruju da je filcanje novi oblik umjetnosti , međutim ono ima dugu i bogatu povijest.
U stvari, prema nekim informacijama, filcanje je možda starije od predenja ili tkanja koje datira više od 6000 godina prije naše ere.
Filc nastaje od vune kada je podvrgnuta vrućoj vodi, sapunu i pritisku. Vruća sapunica čini vunu skliskom i mekanom, te tjera sitna vlakna na njoj da se rašire. Pritiskom i dugotrajnim trljanjem vune, vlakna se zapetljaju i tek kad se vuna ohladi i osuši, vlakna se stisnu, te se dobije izdržljivi materijal filc.
Natasa Batic
Web designer, Zagreb