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or contact me
00385 91 896 1523
FAQ. ​
Additional Support

​If you have any issues with your order please contact me prior to leaving feedback. If there is a problem with an order, it is very important to me to make things right.

If for some reason you don't want me to leave feedback, please make a note of it in the 'message to seller' box or drop me a convo.

Thank you for visiting and have a nice day!! ♥♥

Returns & Refunds

If you are not happy with what you have received I will accept returns as long as the return is within 10 days.

When I receive the package and if there is no wear or tear on the product I will issue a full refund for the product only.

How To Place An Order

Browse the site for items you are looking for and add items to your shopping cart. When you are ready, select the shopping cart icon or link and follow the instructions to complete your order. You don’t need to be registered first before you can complete an order on

There are four stages of the checkout process:


  1. Your details: This section will confirm your name, email address and telephone number.

  2. Delivery details: This section will allow you to choose the delivery address you would like your order delivered to.

  3. Payment: Currently Paypal is the only payment at this time.

  4. Order confirmation: This will display your order number and order summary. A confirmation email will also be sent to the email address you supplied during checkout.




Rok za sve reklamacije iznosi 8 dana od primitka pošiljke. Reklamacije se primaju na e-mail:

Kako kupovati


Kad se odlučite za kupovinu artikla kliknite na "Dodaj u košaricu", ako želite još koji proizvod dodati u košaricu kliknite na "Natrag na kupnju".


Proces kupnje sastoji se od nekoliko koraka: :


  1. Vaši detalji: Popunite obrazac sa potrebnim podacima kao sto su ime, adresa, e-mail i telefon

  2. Dostava: Upišite adresu za dostavu

  3. Plaćanje:  PayPal račun     

  4. Potvrda narudžbe: Nakon potvrde narudžbe na Vašu e-mail adresu stići će e-mail s potvrdom narudžbe te detaljima i linkom za praćenje Vaše naružbe.




Rok isporuke je 1-5 radni dan. Proizvodi će biti zapakirani tako da se uobičajenom manipulacijom u transportu ne mogu oštetiti.

Kupac je obavezan prilikom preuzimanja robe potpisati otpremnicu te je Hrvatska pošta uzima kao potvrdu o preuzimanju.

Cijena dostave za sva mjesta unutar Hrvatske je 28,00 kuna.


Dostava izvan Hrvatske iznosi 60 kn.


Na području Europe pošiljka stiže za 3 do 5 radnih dana, a pošiljku za cijeli svijet možete očekivati za 5 do 10 radnih dana.





Pitanja, sugestije, podrška

Imate li kakvih pitanja ili prijedloga ili potrebu za dodatnim informacijama (podrškom) o artiklima, naručivanju, uvjetima prodaje ili dostave, molimo kontaktirajte nas na: e-mail:




Hvala vam sto ste posjetili moju stranicu! ♥♥

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